NYSED Regulations, Assessments, & Other Resources for ELLs
NYSED Regulations
NYS Regulations on Identification and Services to LEP Students – CR Part 117
Regulations governing initial identification and services to limited English proficient (LEP) students in New York State.
Adopted Amendments to Commissioner's Regulations Part 154 - §154-1 and §154-2
The proposed amendments to CR Part 154 Regulations were presented to and approved by the NYS Board of Regents in September 2014. The new regulations will take effect in the 2015-2016 school year.
These modifications to the CR Part 154 Regulations originally adopted in September 2014 allow parents an additional five days to return to the school district the signed notification form regarding student placement and to permit school districts to apply for a waiver of the professional development requirements addressing the needs of English Language Learners under certain circumstances.
Technical Amendments to Commissioner's Regulations Part §154-2.3(k) - February 2015
These modifications to the CR Part 154 Regulations originally adopted in September 2014 relate to the requirements for professional development for administrators and holders of level III teaching assistant certificates.
Technical Amendments to Commissioner's Regulations Part 154-2.3(h) - April 2015
These modifications to the CR Part 154 Regulations originally adopted in September 2014 relate to Units of Study and Provision of Credits for English as a New Language and Home Language Arts.
Adopted Amendments to Commissioner's Regulations Part §154-3
The proposed amendments to CR Part 154 Regulations regarding ELLs with disabilities were presented to and approved by the NYS Board of Regents in November 2014. The new regulations will take effect in the 2015-2016 school year.
The revised amendments to CR Part 100 Regulations affect the ability of ELLs entering 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade in the U.S. and who are eligible to graduate in 2015 and thereafter to appeal their scores of between 55-61 on the Comprehensive English Regents Examination in order to graduate with a Local Diploma. The revised amendments were presented to the Board of Regents on an emergency rule basis in February 2015. If the amendments are approved by the Board on a final basis at their May meeting, the rules will take effect on June 3, 2015.
Regulations governing the federal funding and accountability mechanisms of programs for LEP/ELLs, both at the State and local (district) level.
Assessment Information
Other Resources
Contains information in Chapter VI from the NYSED publication issued in October 2010, Response to Intervention - Guidance for New York State School Districts, in which guidance is provided for implementing RTI with limited English proficient/English language learners (LEP/ELL) students that is both culturally responsive and linguistically appropriate.